
Hello there! Thank you for dropping by my new dumpy website. I've always had problems completing projects and making sure I can actually produce deliverables. So I decided to make a site that would both be a project but also necessitate that I continuously update it and other projects. In a sense I hope to chain myself to this site as a way to prevent the project abandonment issues caused by all the moral failings of my generations. I hope it works.

In general I plan on including a project status section. A blog that will include posts relating to my experience of trying to figure out what this whole computer business is about, my thoughts on topics that interest me, reviews of media that I like, and finally any other miscellaneous things that are cool.

Action Plan

So far as it seems here, I have two main gimmicks that will keep me working and updating this website. Now I've been inspired by Tiny Projects, but I plan on doing projects on a two week interval. So this website, hopefully will be in a state of somewhat completeness from the date of me starting it. Inbetween, I hope to also detail my experience and share whatever unique parcels of knowledge I can gleem from these self imposed projects.


Here you can find out what I'm currently working on at the moment, along with a list of future projects and completed projects.


Website Progress Report no.1

First post on the blog. I detail my first impressions on constructing a website from scratch.